New Year, New You: Exercising With Prosthetics


Soon, you’ll be making those new year’s resolutions with the rest of us, and exercise tends to top the list every single year. If you’re a prosthetics patient, you’re already familiar with the additional challenges that accompany physical activity, which are more than simply finding the time to do it. However, amputees can still do many of the same exercises as everyone else. Whether you were an athlete in the past or if you’re just now starting out with a new regimen, New Hope is here to help.

Before you start, you may want to consult with your healthcare provider and discuss the activities that are best for your own individual needs. For prosthetics patients, there are certain exercises that have minimal impact but still provide you with cardiovascular benefits.

Our picks?


Riding a bike is a great way to work your residual limb without causing it to bear the weight of your body. Both endurance and muscle strength are increased without injury.


For many years, running was considered to be pretty much impossible for an amputee. Thanks to technological advances in prosthetics, running is not only possible - but recommended for many patients. Both below-the-knee and above-the-knee amputees can enjoy running on a recreational or competitive level.


Swimming has always been a great way to improve cardiovascular health and increase endurance conditioning, and the same holds true for those with prosthetics. The muscles get the resistance they need, and there is very little stress on the residual limb.

With the assistance of modern prosthetic technology, amputees can enjoy these and many other activities, depending on their interests. Other popular sports you can enjoy include skiing, horseback riding, basketball, golf, skating, soccer, tennis, baseball, and bowling. If you need help determining which exercises are best for you and your needs, please reach out to us today or click HERE to schedule with us.